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A category theory primer

Category Theory is a field of mathematics with many applications. I shall eschew all of these in the name of lucidity.

A Category is a thing with things in it, called things, and arrows, which people can point at things to blame them for things. A category is also characterized by the presence of cats.

These cats may be removed by the process of decategorification. You see, cats like it when you think that things that are the same are actually different. Thus, if you pretend that all things that are the same are actually the same, the cats will depart en masse, leaving only a skeleton behind.

Cats are notoriously lazy, and get help in their interpersonal communication from a special breed of Amazonian cyber-lizards, known as funktors. They go between cats. They got soul. Many have bad memories – what’s worse: for every functor with memory problems there’s one roaming about by itself in the wild causing havok! But many funktors are faithful.

Some cats are especially principled; they have limits. But if you try to limit a cat which does not respect those limits, they will scratch you, leaving you a nasty cut.

While many people know that all cats like to climb trees, not many people realize that trees are in fact cats. Thus, all cats can climb some cats.

For a proof of this: it is known at the very least that some funktors go from cats to trees. Thus we conclude that trees are cats.

Similarly, some people think cats enjoy spreading chaos; in fact, nothing could be further from the truth: cats not only enjoy order, they are order. Or rather: all orders are cats.

One Comment

  1. binkus wrote:

    Actually, decategorification is the process of cleaning up after you have gored a cat.

    Saturday, December 31, 2016 at 9:21 pm | Permalink