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phonebook fun

There’s something I tried a few weeks back, and it was a lot of fun;
what i did was this: I replaced every name in my phonebook with the
name of some quality or mythical character I associate with

Here’s a sample of them:
Ankh, Bore, Chivalry
Clarity, Courtesie, Creationist
Deviant, Enlightened, Etheral
Ged, God, Gonoril
Greatness, Gypsy, Hack

Hat, Hobo, Kill
Lacking, Lala, Mason
Mogwai, Mort,Mr. Toronto
Neuroses, Non-descript, Optimism
Orgoglio, Perception, Prada
Proteus, Rat, Sad

Sensibility, Silence
Strength, Tainted
Telamond, Una, Virtue,

It actually after a week or so of not recognizing people worked very
well, it’s like your phone life is an epic adventure and you are
communicating with the gods themselves :)  It livens things up a


And now onto a different problem; namely my other blog,
i.e. my webpage.  Should i duplicate all my webpage stuff here, or
should i leave all but update posts out of my webpage, or should I have
an updates section on my webpage and get an RSS feed of this
site?  (this i have duplicated, but i can see it being a lot of
hassle to do all the time)