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had a good weekend – spent a lot of yesterday in bed though (having had a visitor staying over for the night and not having slept the previous night). But i’m good now for some reason.

Got a lot of thinking about some nice things to think about done yesterday, and today as well.

The lads in the mathsoc agreed to let me give a talk on something first week of next term…was thinking about umbral calculus, which is well kool, but after going back to that book
(that book, that every time I go to look at it my attitute flips between one of total awe at the author’s insight and one of amusement and a certain amount of disgust at the pointless-seeming
abstraction of it all), I figured some talk about music stuff would be easier (provided there be no music-theoretically well-educated people in the audience ;P ).

What think ye? A nice and physical/scientific introduction to music with some mention of the modern mathematical structures involved therein, or forty minutes of the uber virtuosic combinatorical witchcraft
that is Umbral Calculus? (it has *such* a cool name).

Mmm…today, I went food shopping *big time* with the money I got when I met dad last night, *and* got more credit for my phone. Shouldn’t be fit for starving for at least a week with the food I have.
I also somehow managed to get all the prerequisite ingrediants that one needs to prepair a sandwich – I never consciously go out and buy sandwich ingrediants, so this is quite rare you see; but today, I had
bread that I bought on friday, sauces that had been there from christmas(thousand isle dressing & relish(that I hadn’t opened yet … as it turned out it’s pretty wrank…), onions that I got
last week, cheese I got early last week, and ham (N turned me off chicken with her talk of hormones) & tinned tuna (were on special offer) that I got today! So I had myself a hang sangij and a nice tuna
sandwhich followed it.

Oh yeah, I wouldn’t usually put onions into a sandwich, but I didn’t have much else (I did have peppers though…perhaps I should have used them before).

Right, off to work…

ciao all