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you know what’s shit? I’ll tell you what’s shit:

A short quasi-rant, followed by pics and some other generic stuff:

You know what’s shit? Lots of things are shit.

related IRC snippit:

giggly: the last boy was with someone when i first got to know him
giggly: i did nothing til he got rid of her tho
nearlyanalytic: you just schemed then until the opportunity arose…
nearlyanalytic: and then you pounced
giggly: no, i just lived in another country for a while
giggly: that works too
nearlyanalytic: like a feral kitten!
nearlyanalytic: a feral kitten symbolic of amorous intent!
nearlyanalytic: yet fluffy and clear-conscienced!
nearlyanalytic: with ickle paws
nearlyanalytic: and tiny little foot-pads
nearlyanalytic: like such a *beast* would you pounce upon him!

And me in my party-shirt (which I wore to a party tonight):

picture of me in my party shirt!

We played the
I almost wore out my party-pants as well (I’ve never worn them out before), but I decided against it in the end (for good reason I think). Don’t know if I’ll ever wear them out…don’t
think it would be a smart idea…

Oh, and what a triptych below I have constructed!

Will probably replace the right one some time… .