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Tag Archives: C/C++

I am reasonably happy with this, short as it is. My first foray into '3D', so...


An entry for the codear single boss competition that's currently running.

OSX 10.5 (2mb)
Win (1.3mb)
Linux* (482k)

Source (30k)

* [build by Spartan, requires separate installation of SDL and fmodex libraries]

Translation provided by agj.

up/down/left/right/space (wife)
w/s/a/d (lover)

Rough around the edges, but it be okay for What It Is, I think.

The Hero Saved Me

An effort for the 3-hour cities comp.

Windows  zip 600kb
Mac OSX 10.5+ zip 600kb
Src  zip 200kb

not exactly happy with it, but I doubt that I will loose any sleep over putting it out in the wild either.


A short game made to take my mind off debugging troubles with a slightly larger game. Sort of ‘concept’, sort of ‘hmm’.

Windows zip (0.4MB)
OSX 10.5 zip (0.6MB)
Source zip (0.2MB)

Rara Racer mac build

Is up here:

OSX 10.5 (2.3MB)

It’s identical to the windows build. I have some tidying up on both to do, but I’m in no particular rush.


Fascinated by the efforts of Terry, in his game
, a retro demake of crush, as well as fez, I started off on a small series of studies on 1/2-dimensional variations of the mechanic common to those games. I have four done so far; I tend to put one out whenever I’m having a particularly idle evening. The control system in them is a bit deficient, and the graphics are very basic: the point was to explore the mechanic rather than produce something polished.


The basic prototype, blocks prohibit movement when squished.

OSX 10.5 | WIN/SOURCE (570KB)

(tigsource thread )

Defez 2: Refez

Based on the above, but with blocks that have ‘insets’. This broadens the mechanic somewhat, but was still ultimately limited (though less limited than the first…). Made a level editor for this one as well, which helped with design a llot.

OSX 10.5 | WIN/SOURCE (580KB)

(tigsource thread )

Defez 3: Mortar

A different approach, more open but local: squishes down things either side of one of horizontal/vertical you are on.

OSX 10.5 | WIN/SOURCE (570KB)

(tigsource thread )

Defez 4: Das Kapital

An observer-dependent one: squishes from either the top/bottom/left/right of the screen. More limited in many ways, but would be simpler for people to grasp I think (could be implemented as a rotation, like in crush).

OSX 10.5 | WIN | SRC (485KB)

(tigsource thread )

I have a list of about five other mechanics that’re awaiting implementation, but I seem to have lost some interest in pursuing this much further for the moment.

I regret not having a simultaneous osx build, but time constraints did not allow for such indulgences ...

Rara Racer

Ah, it was work, but it’s more or less done: my entry for Ludum Dare 13.

Download here for windows. (2MB)

Download here for OSX 10.5. (2.3MB)

The source is here. (2MB)


Used Allegro/C/The GIMP/FMod Ex/a microphone/audacity/Milkytracker/Dev-CPP. Used two samples from

Oh yes, there be much terror in this game.


"Strange man in shadowy quarter of ancient city possesses something of immemorial archaic horror."

This constitutes my third entry to the TIGsource Commonplace Book Competition.

It’s a work produced by myself the STUPENDOUS mightypea at tigjam, finished recently on a bustrip from Dublin to Galway.  Owing to music-related HASSLE, there's none (there are sound effects though.  Music may be added later).  I hope the silence will intensify the abject horror of this work.

OS X 10.5 (1.5MB)
Windows (1.5MB)
Source (2.6MB)


I still say raytracer in my head, but...I will modernise my internal vocabulary eventually...

Raycasting Rendering Examples

Have finally gotten around to compiling the Raycaster Rendering Demos that Terry and I cobbled together (mostly at the airport) at tigjam UK 2008 from an engine he whipped up some months ago. There are 12; here’s a montage of 10:

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“Here we have fetter’d and manacled Time, who wou’d otherwise slay the Gods.”


My second entry to the tigsource Commonplace Book competitions.

OS X 10.5 (818KB)
Windows (967KB)
Source (217KB)


Much love to terry for doing the windows build. I’m away from my desktop at the moment, and washaving library difficulties (blech) on my windows partition :/



Original tigsource thread here.

Portile is a 2d, tile-based take on narbacular drop (more than portal, because I’ve not played portal, and from what I understand momentum plays a big part in portal, and it doesn’t play any part in this).

Portile V0.3 (466KB, for Windows)

Portile V0.3 (610KB, for OSX 10.5* [ note – doesn’t work in the latest versions of OSX :( ) )

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